All credit cards are not created equal. The perks of a credit card can really help - from offering purchase protection on products you buy to earning double points at restaurants. Many people aren’t aware of the benefits of certain cards. Our mission at Items is to educate our members so that they can take advantage of these perks.
At Items, we want our members to have all the information they need in order to shop with confidence. This includes helping you find the best deals with the best benefits. We wish to ensure that you are aware of extra perks - from travel points to purchase protection - that you can earn while shopping with credit cards.
Items Tips appear when applicable and show how you can save more and earn either points or cashback, and/or score an extra perk such as purchase protection or an extended warranty. You can find these tips by clicking the Items icon on your browser.
Have any suggestions or thoughts? We're all ears! This is one of our latest tools to help you save, so we would really appreciate your feedback.